Tag ~carbon emissions

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The climate is our biggest threat Carl Pope is fighting to change our fate

How doomed are we and more questions for a climate expert

Plant Prefab nabs 42M to crank out extremely sustainable custom homes

Accacia tackles the real estate industrys massive carbon emissions problem

Backed by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos Breakthrough Energy Ventures lists seven new investments

Avarni is building a comprehensive dataset to analyze supply chain emissions

3D Printing News Briefs November 27 2021: Sustainability Metal 3D Printing More

Kuri is an app that wants to reduce your foods carbon footprint

Climate tech startups team up to decarbonize Arizona cement plant

Wavemaker Impact launches to help entrepreneurs build climate tech startups

Here are the latest recipients of Amazons 2 billion Climate Pledge Fund

Microsoft promises to cut carbon emissions 75 by 2030 and hit Paris climate agreement targets

How much does your company pollute CarbonChain gets 10M Series A to help answer that

Guidewheel lands 9M Series A1 for SaaS that boosts manufacturing and trims carbon emissions

3D Printing News Briefs June 17 2021: Titomic Evonik Farsoon Humabiologics UCSD Syng FuzzyLogic

How Carl Pope helped drive a 500 million pledge to push the US Beyond Carbon Part 2

UniSieves filters use special crystals to reduce industrial emissions

Amazons 2B climate fund director on the role of innovation in reversing tech giants rising emissions

Lune offers an API to calculate carbon emissions at checkout

With a plan to decarbonize home heating with hydrogen Modern Electron raises 30M

Lime raises 523M as it prepares to go public

World Fund joins 128M bet that quantum can deliver climate breakthroughs

Avarni gets backing to help large enterprises hit their netzero goals

Amazons 2B climate fund director on promise and challenges of investing in decarbonizing tech